jmu parent portal

by Alice Nolan 10 min read

What is the JMU student account?

This is where students, parents, or anyone authorized by the student can view or make an online payment to the student's JMU account. There are three different versions available: student, Authorized User, and guest.

Are you welcome at JMU as a parent?

As JMU welcomes your Dukes, the university extends the same warm invitation to you as parents and families. You, too, are a part of Madison. Getting Started | Each June, first-year families are mailed a printed Madison Family Handbook .

What is the JMU Madison family Handbook?

As JMU welcomes your Dukes, the university extends the same warm invitation to you as parents and families. You, too, are a part of Madison. Getting Started | Each June, first-year families are mailed a printed Madison Family Handbook . This handbook contains information with which you may support your student throughout their time here.

What is the Office of Parent Relations?

The Office of Parent Relations provides families of current students with programs, services and information to enhance their understanding of the student experience and better support their student's academic and social growth. Connect with the JMU Family!

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What is an authorized user in UBO?

Authorized Users are set up and given official access to student account information by the student themselves. When an Authorized User is set up it means that they not only have their own access to M3 via the Authorized User login site, but they will also receive any notifications the UBO provides to the students about outstanding balances, posted statements, and available 1098-T forms. Being an Authorized User also allows UBO staff members to discuss account details with someone other than the student.

What is M3 in JMU?

What is M3? M3 is short for Madison Money Manager, which is our student financial account portal. This is where students, parents, or anyone authorized by the student can view or make an online payment to the student's JMU account. There are three different versions available: student, Authorized User, and guest.

Can you set up an authorized user in M3?

Authorized Users can be set up after the deadline given in the One Book, so that is not your final chance. It is not required to set up an Authorized User, but it is highly recommended. Once in M3, the student can go to the lower left hand corner to find a box labeled "Authorized Users".

Can you use guest access on M3?

Guest access is the most limited way to use M3; the only feature users may access through this area is the payment option. Signing in through the Guest login site using the student's ID number and last name does not require an official account.

Why are international wires so expensive?

International wires are costly due to high banking fees. Retail exchange rates are high. Payment details provided by your banking institution to the university are sometimes incomplete, which can cause delays in applying the payment to your student account.

When does enrollment start for the upcoming school year?

Enrollment for the upcoming year begins in June. This payment option allows the student to pay tuition, on-campus room, and meal charges in monthly installments. The plan must be established before the beginning of the school year.

When is a student account considered paid?

The student account is considered paid when the budget is sufficient to cover the tuition for both Fall and Spring semesters. For help in determining a budget contact the University Business Office at (540) 568-6505. For more information visit our Payment Plan page. If you include the cost of a Commuter meal plan, ...

Does JMU have Western Union?

JMU is now working with Western Union Business Solutions to provide individuals who live outside the United States an alternative method for paying student bills. This payment option allows you to pay your student account balance in the currency of your choice and provides a simple and reliable way of initiating payments electronically.

Do you need a routing number to pay by electronic check?

Electronic checks are accepted as long as they are drawn on US banks and are in US dollars. If a check is returned to the University unpaid by the bank, the student's account will be placed on hold until restitution is made.
