john pritchard parent portal

by Dulce Lowe 5 min read

Where was John Pritchard's school located?

It was a private school mainly for the sons of the Hudson Bay Company employees and was located in the Pritchard home on the east bank of the Red River on or near the present site of John Pritchard School at a place called "The Elms". In the 1843 Red River Census, it was mentioned that John Pritchard kept a school which had six pupils.

Who was the vice principal of John Pritchard School?

In May of 1989, a committee chaired by Mrs. G. Hildebrand, the vice-principal at John Pritchard School, organized and celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the school, with former students from as far away as Florida and San Fransisco attending.

What is the name of the road that ran through the Kildonan Presbyterian Church?

The road which ran through his property to the ferry site going over the river to the Kildonan Presbyterian Church is today called Whellams Lane - a tribute to this local leader. During the 1900's and 1910's, Winnipeg expanded north and was experiencing a great boom in real estate sales.

Who was Herbert Whellams' son?

A guest speaker for the students, and a guest of honor at large, was Mr. Desmond Whellams, one of Herbert Whellams's sons, who stilled lived in a small log house situated on what was formerly known as "The Elms", just behind Building #2.

Why was the North Kildonan area a farming district?

Sub division schemes were planned for the Rossmere region as well, but the North Kildonan area remained a farming district because it was too far away from the Winnipeg metropolis.

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

John Pritchard's Parent Advisory Council (PAC) functions as an advisory group to the school administration on matters of policy, issues, activities, organization, and safety, for all the students in kindergarten through Grade 8.

John Pritchard Band Parents Association (JPBPA)

The John Pritchard Band Parents Association (JPBPA) is a group consisting of parents/guardians who meet once a month to provide a volunteer base to enable students to attend and participate in Concerts, Special Performances, Festivals and Band Trips.

Homerooms in the Early Years (K-5)

Each Homeroom Teacher in the Early Years (Gr. K-5 at JP) is the main teacher for the class, except for specialty areas such as Music, and Physical Education. The Homeroom Teacher is the primary person for communication between home and school.

Homeroom System in the Middle Years (Grades 6-8)

Since students at the Middle Years may have several teachers for the main subject areas, the Homeroom Teacher advisor system has been implemented for grades 6-8 to facilitate better communication with students and their parents/guardians. The Homeroom Teacher is the primary contact for information regarding the students in his/her homeroom.

Student-led Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences

Student-led conferences are conducted after each of the term reporting periods. The conferences provide an opportunity for students and parents to use the student’s portfolio to discuss progress to date and future goals.


A school newsletter is published on a regular basis. The focus of the newsletter is to communicate students' accomplishments, and participation in the school's curricular and extra-curricular programs. A regular feature is a calendar of upcoming events such as parent-teacher conferences, in-service dates, field trips, concerts, etc.

News and notifications by email

On a regular basis, or as the need arises, we will send additional news or notices to parents using a mass email. Parents who wish to receive news and notifications by email can have their email address added to the list by sending their request by email to

Display Sign

We are fortunate to have a large display sign on our front grounds near Henderson Highway. It is updated regularly to inform parents and the community of activities and upcoming events, and at times to share an interesting quote.
