jp2 parent portal

by Ms. Meggie Macejkovic 4 min read

How does PowerSchool determine the strength of a password?

As you type your password, PowerSchool determines the strength of the password and you have a visual display of the strength from weak, to better to strong. The stronger the password, the more secure it is. Choose a password that you can remember but that is difficult for others to guess.

Does PowerSchool have a parent portal?

PowerSchool’s Parent Portal has single sign-on for parents/guardians, which means you now have your own individual parent/guardian account, including user name and password. Your child’s school will provide you with a letter (one letter for each of your children) that contains the following information for your child:

News & Announcements

November 1, 2021 Three Shanley Deacon Seniors will be signing their National Letter of Intent on Wednesday November 10th at 4:00 PM. The signing is open to the public/media and…


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