jpc kamar parent portal

by Brice Leffler 9 min read

What can I do with Kamar?

Easily send bulk emails or text messages to parents, students and staff. Wrap your emails in HTML, giving you tonnes of control over how the email looks. The server does the sending in the background, so it doesn't tie up your computer. Track the status of your messages. Maintain a full contact history in KAMAR.

Why are Kamar videos organised into series?

The videos are organised into series, to make them easier for you to find things. KAMAR is the one-stop-shop for the day-to-day running of a school!

What is a parent information session?

Parent information sessions are run at the beginning of the year to enable parents to familiarise themselves with Moodle. There is a Parents’ Page on Moodle containing a range of resources for parents. These include Excursion notes, Absentee notes, documentation from Information Evenings and relevant research papers.



Moodle is JPC’s Online Learning Platform. This is where students and parents can access all of the digital learning resources required for their classes. Course outlines and assessment items are also located on Moodle and students may be required to submit their work on Moodle as well.

My Monitor

Monitor is the Point-of-Sale system which is used at the JPC Canteen to pay for any purchases.


The Sentral Parent Portal, provides parents with access to key information about their student, book appointments for the Parent-Teacher-Student interviews.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is used within the Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn (CECG) as our online platform for:
