jpc parent portal

by Guy Abernathy 6 min read

What is Parent Portal?

WHAT IS PARENT PORTAL? The PowerSchool Parent Portal enables parents and students to access real‐time information about student progress in school.

What is activeparent JPS?

Active Parent. Overview. ActiveParent is a web-based application that parents can use to keep track of students’ records. JPS parents with more than one student can access records for all of them with one account.

What is the JCPS Parent Portal policy for parents and guardians?

Parents/Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own child, of another user, of the school district network, or from the Internet through the JCPS Parent Portal. Parents/Guardians will not use the JCPS Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws.

What happens if I am identified as a security risk to JCPS?

Parents/Guardians who are identified as a security risk to the JCPS Parent Portal or any other JCPS District computers or networks will be denied access to the Parent Portal. By using the Parent Portal, you acknowledge that you have read the JCPS Parent Portal Acceptable Use Policy and that you agree to abide by and support these rules.


Who is the principal of John Paul College?

John Paul College was founded in 1987 with the amalgamation of Edmund Rice College and MacKillop College. The current principal is Patrick Walsh, past president of the Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand.

What is the John Paul College motto?

Our College motto is “Through Faith and Love”. This reflects our Lasallian philosophy which is built on the four pillars of Faith, Compassion, Prayer and Action.

What is the JCPS parent portal?

The JCPS Parent Portal (run by Infinite Campus) allows you to track your child’s academic progress and develop a partnership with your child’s teachers. Infinite Campus is a secure and convenient way to monitor your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Who can access the JCPs portal?

The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District. Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents/Guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their child.

What is the Parent Portal?

Students may use Parent Portal to stay on top of their grades and assignments; parents may use the Portal to review their child's attendance, grades and assignments, school bulletins and messages from the teacher. Teachers may also use Parent Portal to communicate directly with parents about student progress.

How does Parent Portal work?

Parent Portal is accessible through any web browser, as well as through a mobile app. Students can access their own class information, while parents can create a single account that enables them to view the progress of multiple children, even if they attend different schools.

J. P. Case Middle School Proudly Presents: Moana JR!

Shows are Friday, March 4th at 7:00 pm & Saturday, March 5th at 2:00 pm. (Snow date is Sunday, March 6th at 2:00 pm) Tickets are $12 for Adults and $10 for Students & Seniors.

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Click the link to find out more information regarding the High School Scheduling timeline and process.

J.P. Case Yearbook Sale

JP Case Yearbook sale is here! Hurry and order now. Click on the heading above for additional information on how to order your yearbook online.

1:1 Chromebook Information

Please click here to learn about our 1:1 Chromebook program at JP Case.

What is access code?

The access code is unique for each student whose information is to be accessed through Parent Portal. In order to protect student data privacy, you will be required to verify your identity before you are provided your child's access code.

Can access codes be provided by email?

Access codes may be provided in person or by mail to the address on file in our student information system, however, access codes may not be provided by telephone or email. Once you have created a Parent Portal account, you will be able to manage your account information, link any and all students for whom you have parental or legal rights, ...

Creating an ActiveParent account

To request an ActiveParent account, please follow the instructions below.

Recovering an ActiveParent Password

Parents can now retrieve their passwords by clicking the Forgot Your Password? link on the ActiveParent website. Once you enter your username, the system will send a message to the e-mail address on file with instructions for resetting the password.

Reporting an ActiveParent Issue

It is the District’s intent to provide parents with the most accurate and current information about school news, scheduling, grades, attendance, and discipline. If this information is not being regularly updated for your child, please let us know by reporting an ActiveParent issue.
