jps school parent portal

by Anastasia Prohaska DDS 7 min read

What is Parent Portal?

WHAT IS PARENT PORTAL? The PowerSchool Parent Portal enables parents and students to access real‐time information about student progress in school.

What is activeparent JPS?

Active Parent. Overview. ActiveParent is a web-based application that parents can use to keep track of students’ records. JPS parents with more than one student can access records for all of them with one account.

Why do you have this information on the JPS website?

This information is for the use and convenience of JPS employees, parents, and students. Anyone who takes advantage of the information is urged to verify the claims of the opportunities and offers presented.

What is the JCPS Parent Portal policy for parents and guardians?

Parents/Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own child, of another user, of the school district network, or from the Internet through the JCPS Parent Portal. Parents/Guardians will not use the JCPS Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws.


What is access code?

The access code is unique for each student whose information is to be accessed through Parent Portal. In order to protect student data privacy, you will be required to verify your identity before you are provided your child's access code.

Can access codes be provided by email?

Access codes may be provided in person or by mail to the address on file in our student information system, however, access codes may not be provided by telephone or email. Once you have created a Parent Portal account, you will be able to manage your account information, link any and all students for whom you have parental or legal rights, ...

Our Mission

The mission of the Public Schools of Edison Township is to ensure that all students achieve at the highest level of academic success.


Questions about the Middlesex College Early College Dual Credit application? See your counselor before October 25.


JPS serves nearly 21,000 students in its 52 schools located throughout the city of Jackson. Students are enrolled in grades pre-K through 12. The resources below are provided to support parents in the education of their children enrolled in JPS schools.


DISCLAIMER: Announcements posted on this website do not imply Jackson Public Schools' endorsement of, or association with, a person, provider, or program. This information is for the use and convenience of JPS employees, parents, and students.
