jsasd parent portal

by Ms. Roselyn Gaylord II 8 min read

How do I withdraw my child from the Jersey Shore School District?

Parents wishing to withdraw a child from the Jersey Shore Area School District should report to the school where the child is currently enrolled. Click here for more registration information and online forms. When school is in session for students, parents should report to the school office where their child is enrolled to withdraw the student.

What is parent self serve?

What Is Parent Self Serve? Parent Self Serve is aimed at keeping you informed and involved in the everyday activities of your student. Our goal is to make life easier for you by bringing information together into one location in a user-friendly format.

What features are included in a parent self-serve account?

Features included are student attendance, student grades and assignments, discipline, registration, state testing data, alerts and account management among others. How do I Register for an Account? The user ID and password that were used to register your student in our new online registration system is your Parent Self- Serve account.


What time does Jersey Shore School District open?

Parents wishing to enroll, reenroll, or transfer their children from one elementary school to another within the district should report to the Jersey Shore Area School District Administration Building, 175 A&P Drive, Jersey Shore, PA 17740, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

What time does Jersey Shore Elementary School open?

Jersey Shore Elementary School. Jersey Shore Elementary Summer Hours will be operating on the following schedule: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM . Lunch will be from 11:30 to 12:15 Monday – Thursday and 11:30 – 12:30 during open Fridays. The building is closed on the following summer days: Monday, June 14. Friday, June 25.

When will the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile be released?

Beginning Friday, October 4, the Pennsylvania Department of Education will make available the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile. The profile provides academic performance information for public schools in the state. The performance score is designed with several purposes in mind:

What is withdrawal information for students?

Withdrawal Information for Students. When school is in session for students, parents should report to the school office where their child is enrolled to withdraw the student. The school will have a set of procedures to follow to complete the withdrawal process.

Remote Learning Software

Microsoft Teams is a widely used collaboration software. At JSASD, we use Teams as a primary learning management system for our elementary schools, as well as a supplemental collaboration tool for the Middle School and High School. Elementary school assignments are delivered remotely through Teams

The iPad

Before using apps at home, you must authenticate with our web filter. Please click the web filter tutorial below.

Offline access

This is a tutorial on how to make content available without internet access. Be sure to follow along while connected to a network (i.e. while still at school).

JSASD Elementary Schools

Please find more details on the standard operating procedure and expectations for remote learning at JSE below!

Overview and Curriculum

In conjunction with BLaST Intermediate Unit 17, Jersey Shore Online Learning (JSOL), is an online learning option that provides online learning courses for our district students in grades K-12. The curriculum is provided and delivered through our Intermediate Unit. Therefore, it is a separate curriculum than what is taught in our JSASD classrooms.


For more information on Jersey Shore Area School District’s Online Learning Program, please contact:


In-depth look at attendance and tardies for your student including attendance alerts,

Report Cards and Progress Reports (Grades 1-12)

Displays grade averages by course / subject with the ability to view details if each assignment grade, email teachers, and set grade alerts.


Displays immunization records for your student, detailed instructions for required medications needs


Allows parents to register students online, complete required forms, access documents, and request a transfer to another school.


The ability to manage email alerts for attendance, tardies, assignment grades, course grade averages.
