judge rotenberg center parent portal

by Dr. Alexys Thiel 4 min read

How many nurses are there at JRC?

JRC has 12 full time nurses, along with a medical doctor who works on site two days per week, and a dentist who visits the school on a regular monthly basis. This saves valuable educational time for the students.

What is JRC decoration?

JRC decorates its school building attractively with colorful prints, sculptures, and other decorations so that attending school will be a pleasant, desirable experience for its students.

What age does JRC serve?

In appropriate cases this can include assistance with educational appeals. Ages served. JRC is licensed to serve individuals ages 5 through adult. Although most of JRC's students are children and teenagers, JRC also has an active adult services program, with its own classrooms, work activities centers and residences.

Is JRC open admission?

JRC has an open admissions policy throughout the year. Any person or agency may refer applicants . Students are funded by public school districts and various state agencies. For immediate information on admissions and referrals, please call our Admissions Hotline, 1-877-31-CHILD.

Does JRC have educational programming?

A: In the event of a closing of our school building, JRC’s residential students will continue to have educational programming during school hours at their residence. Staff will have access to all of the student’s curriculum and instructional materials in that environment.

Does JRC have a quarantine plan?

A: Yes, JRC has a plan guided by the Department of Health. JRC is also able to operate internally with an abundance of emergency supplies in the event of a quarantine. Guidelines will be given to staff to support all clients during this time.
