jyms parent portal

by Josue Shanahan 7 min read

What is the parental access portal?

The portal lets parents view their child's records anywhere, anytime. In response to the privilege of accessing the site, every parent is expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District.

How do I know if my student is accepted into JYMs?

The JYMS Honors Program Identification Committee will review the application and additional assessments to determine if your student is accepted in the program.

Where is the parent portal in Fort Mill?

Click here to access Parent Portal. OurPurpose... In the tradition of excellence, Fort Mill Schools place Children First . . . Every Dayby providing an innovative and rigorous education that empowers all students to achieve their greatest success. Fort Mill School District 2233 Deerfield Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

How do parents with joint custody access the parent portal?

Parents who have joint custody may request Parent Portal access to the additional household upon request. When logging in, your username is the email address the district has on file for the parent.


John Young Middle School

John Young Middle School is dedicated to the continuous improvement of our students’ educational, physical, and social development.

School Information & Updates

Information will be shared in this section about school supplies, schedule pick up and other important information so you and your child (ren) are prepared for school.

COVID-19 Information & Updates for the 2021-2022 School Year

New COVID-19 Guidelines: Information about changing to masks optional beginning February 23, 2022.

JYMS Honors Program

The JYMS Honors Program is designed to offer academic challenges beyond those required by the Indiana Academic Standards to highly capable seventh and eighth grade students.

Welcome to GEMS Parent Portal

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.

GEMS Connect

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.

What is the JCPS parent portal?

The JCPS Parent Portal (run by Infinite Campus) allows you to track your child’s academic progress and develop a partnership with your child’s teachers. Infinite Campus is a secure and convenient way to monitor your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Who can access the JCPs portal?

The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District. Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents/Guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their child.
