k12 santa rosa parent portal

by Dr. Alexzander Hand I 7 min read

What is Santa Rosa-focus Parent Portal registration?

Welcome to the Santa Rosa - Focus Parent Portal Registration. The Focus Santa Rosa Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance communication and involvement for you in your child's education.

How do I Register my child for school in Santa Rosa?

Registering your child for school in the Santa Rosa County school system is handled online. If you do not have Internet access, please contact the appropriate Grade Level Department for assistance. Once you have completed the on-line registration, you will need to contact your zoned school to make an appointment to complete the enrollment process.

Why choose Santa Rosa County district schools?

Santa Rosa County District Schools serves the people and community of Santa Rosa county, in Florida. Our vision is for our students to be productive, successful contributors to society.

How do I contact Santarosa K12?

For technical issues with the online registration process, please contact ITSHelp@santarosa.k12.fl.us or (850) 983-5098. All other questions should be directed to the appropriate Grade Level Department listed at the top of this document. My street address is not validating.


Covid-19 Info

Updated COVID-19 Guidance – This is the most recent guidance from the Department of Health – Effective (9/22/21) ( Florida Emergency Rule ) Please notify your school of an exposure and contact the Department of Health for guidance (850-564-2307).

Food Services

Free and Reduced Lunch Flyer ( y en español) Free and Reduced Lunch applications affect funding in many areas! Santa Rosa County asks that ALL families complete our meal application to ensure continued funding to support ALL students in our district!

Leaps and Bounds Newsletters

The January 2022 LEAPS and BOUNDS, Santa Rosa County School District’s multi-media, interactive newsletter is now online.

Public Notice

Santa Rosa County District Schools In accordance with FS 1001.36, the School Board has voted to change each of the School Board Member Areas. These...

Newly Adopted School Board Member Residence Areas-Approved December 9, 2021

THE SCHOOL BOARD OF SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA Notice of Public Meeting by Communications Media Technology The School Board of Santa Rosa County,...

How to register a child in Santa Rosa County?

If you do not have Internet access, please contact the appropriate Grade Level Department for assistance. Once you have completed the on-line registration, you will need to contact your zoned school to make an appointment to complete the enrollment process. For enrollment transfers out of zone, the registration process must be completed before any transfer request can be processed. The documentation required to complete the enrollment process is listed under the Reviewing the Requirements and Documentation section.

How to get your child's hearing tested in Santa Rosa County?

Please note, if the child you’re registering lives in Santa Rosa County, they are eligible for a free hearing screening/hearing evaluation provided by the Santa Rosa School District. Please contact Barbara Adkins in the Santa Rosa School District Audiology Clinic at 850-626-3072 to set up a time to have your child’s hearing tested. You will know the results at the time of testing and results will be furnished to your child’s school.

What is the phone number for virtual schools?

High Schools or 850-983-5056. Virtual Schools. Prior to registering and choosing the virtual school option, please call 850-981-7860 to set up a time for a virtual school information session. More information regarding can be found on the Virtual Schools website. Pre-Kindergarten.

When do schools start registering for kindergarten?

Most schools begin the Kindergarten registration process at the end of April. Other grade levels typically register students any time during the summer months. For more specific information, please contact the appropriate Grade Level Department. Grade Level Departments. Elementary Schools or 850-983-5062. Middle Schools or 850-983-5060.

When can a child go to kindergarten?

Any child shall be eligible for admission to kindergarten if he or she has attained the age of five years on or before September 1st of the school year. However, a child who transfers from another state shall be admitted under the same age requirements as established in the state where he or she previously resided.

When does kindergarten registration start?

Most schools begin the Kindergarten registration process at the end of April.

Who will contact you to schedule an assessment?

The school that your child is enrolled in will contact you to schedule the assessment.

What is the number for SRCDS?

850) 983-5150 | 7:30 am-4:00 pm. Non-Discrimination and Website Accessibility Statement– SRCDS strives to provide a website that is accessible to all visitors and to comply with best practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act.

What is classlink app?

ClassLink is our district’s solution to help students and teachers to very quickly and efficiently access digital or online applications and resources. These are called apps in ClassLink. After login, ClassLink instantly launches and signs students into their apps. Best of all students can access ClassLink from any computer, tablet, or smartphone for anytime, anywhere access.
