kamar parent portal hbhs

by Janice Krajcik 10 min read

What is the Kamar portal?

Our KAMAR portal is where you can access information about your child's attendance, reports and financial details. Login details for new families are sent out in February each year. If you require your login details re-sent, please email: communication@rhs.school.nz .

Why are Kamar videos organised into series?

The videos are organised into series, to make them easier for you to find things. KAMAR is the one-stop-shop for the day-to-day running of a school!

What can I do with Kamar?

Easily send bulk emails or text messages to parents, students and staff. Wrap your emails in HTML, giving you tonnes of control over how the email looks. The server does the sending in the background, so it doesn't tie up your computer. Track the status of your messages. Maintain a full contact history in KAMAR.


Learning Support

We cater for all the needs of our young men in many ways - from the cross-curricular reciprocal teaching programme in all junior classes to the gifted and talented programme on offer. In all areas of development our students are challenged, accelerated and promoted.

KAMAR Parent Portal

Knowing anything, anytime, anywhere will be a major influence on your son's success here at Otago Boys' High School.


Bullying occurs in many forms: cyber, verbal, physical, damage or theft of property. We, at Otago Boys’, will always act on any information received in regard to bullying. It is unacceptable and boys who bully others with be dealt with and parents informed.

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At Hamilton Girls’ High School we aspire to empower young women to dare to excel as innovative individuals who are globally connected.
