kamar parent portal rutherford

by Laurel Funk 6 min read

What is the Kamar portal?

Our KAMAR portal is where you can access information about your child's attendance, reports and financial details. Login details for new families are sent out in February each year. If you require your login details re-sent, please email: communication@rhs.school.nz .

Why choose Rutherford College for your child?

Rutherford College is a community where striving for personal excellence is the focus. Student needs are put at the centre of a personalised learning system in which learning is made meaningful for them. A high expectations culture exists and high standards of academic, sporting, cultural and social achievement are attained.

What is the school bank account number for Rutherford School?

Internet Banking, the school bank account number is – 12 3038 0270894 00, please quote the students name and what you are paying for in the reference sections. If you have paid a voluntary contribution, please request a tax receipt as this is treated as a donation and you can claim a tax credit: email – accounts@rutherford.school.nz

What can I do with Kamar?

Easily send bulk emails or text messages to parents, students and staff. Wrap your emails in HTML, giving you tonnes of control over how the email looks. The server does the sending in the background, so it doesn't tie up your computer. Track the status of your messages. Maintain a full contact history in KAMAR.


Tohea – to strive for personal excellence

Rutherford College is a community where striving for personal excellence is the focus. Student needs are put at the centre of a personalised learning system in which learning is made meaningful for them. A high expectations culture exists and high standards of academic, sporting, cultural and social achievement are attained.

Tell us your story

We know there are some amazing ex-Rutherford students doing fabulous things out there and we’d like you to share your story with us. Drop us a line to tell us your story and don’t forget to include some great photos of you and what you are doing, wherever you are in the world. CLICK HERE

Leave Your Legacy

Have your own Kotuku flying in V formation on our legacy wall in the brand new Wellbeing Centre that is currently being built.
