kansas city public schools parent portal

by Mattie Frami 3 min read

When does enrollment open for Kansas City public schools?

Recording of the December 8, 2021 Board of Directors meeting for the Kansas City Public Schools. Enrollment for new students opens Dec. 6 for the 2022-2023 school year. Go to School Finder to find the best school for your child or go right to new quick and easy Online Enrollment Form.

Why choose Kansas City public schools?

Kansas City Public Schools ensures a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment for students eligible for special education or Section 504. KCPS is partnering with LINC to provide high quality school-age childcare free-of-charge for KCPS families.

What is the address for Kansas City public schools?

Kansas City Public Schools 2901 Troost Ave Kansas City MO 64109 816-418-7000 HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm Find A School Alio Employee Portal(opens in new window/tab)

What is the Kansas City public schools Education Foundation?

Mentoring within schools has become an increasingly popular and effective way to bring a caring adult or older peer relationship to the lives of more youth. The Kansas City Public Schools Education Foundation was established in 2012 as a self-perpetuating, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization to promote quality education in Kansas City Public...


What is the purpose of Kansas City Public Schools?

The purpose of Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) is to provide a quality education that prepares all of our students, regardless of background or circumstances, for success in college, career and life.

Why is it important to be a parent leader?

Participating in parent leadership organizations is a great way to get involved in the education of children. Adults who take an active role in education positively impact future generations of...

What is KCKPS TV?

KCKPS-TV is the cable access channel for Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools. The district’s Communications Office operates and manages KCKPS-TV, which airs content 24-hours, every day of the week.... Read More.

When is the last day to apply for KCKPS 2021?

KCKPS Partners with Greenbush Virtual Academy for the 2021-22 School Year - Last Day to Apply is Thursday, August 26th.

Parent University Sessions

You may view previous sessions by clicking "Meeting Archive" under Parent University Resources.

About Parent University

Parent University is designed to increase parental engagement and contribute to the academic and social-emotional success of our students. It will also support and empower parents to become leaders and advocates for their child's learning, while fostering positive school community relationships.

Parent University Resources

Keep checking back as this section will be updated regularly. Last update was 10/27/2020.


Learn more about the district interim assessments, including an overview of the assessments and why they are being administered, how your student will access the assessments (on Illuminate Education), and tips for supporting your student during this time.

Chromebook Resources

If the Chromebook is powered on at a KCPS location, it will attach to the network and reset.


Students should only use their username and not the full email address. For example, a student named Joe Phillips would login with “jphillips” instead of jphillips@kcpublicschools.org


This includes resources for Google apps such as Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Sheets.

When is enrollment in Kansas City Public Schools 2021-2022?

Families can help their children build bright futures by using a new and easier online process to apply for enrollment in one of the world-class options for the 2021-2022 academic year in Kansas City Public Schools starting at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 14. KCPS is launching a new, two-step enrollment process this year.

How long does it take to enroll in KCPs?

Families will first fill out a short form with basic information and their school choices. This form is located at EnrollKC.org and will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Behavior Health

Cornerstones of Care 300 E 36th St, Kansas City, MO 64111, (844) 824-8200 Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities, Community Mental Health Agencies, Individual Counseling, Family Counseling, Co-Parenting Workshops

Domestic Violence

The Children's Place 2 E. 59th St., Kansas City, MO 64113, (816) 363-1898 Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence, Child Abuse Counseling, Family Counseling, Home Based Parenting Education

Education Support

Adult Education and Literacy 1601 Forest Ave, 2nd Floor, Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 418-7150 Adult Literacy Programs, GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction, Adult High School Diploma Programs, Adult Basic Education

Homeless Resources

Artists Helping The Homeless - Be The Change Program Kansas City, MO 64111, (816) 668-1007 Homeless Transportation Programs, Homeless Shelter Pickup Sites

Immigration Services

Don Bosco - Adult and Community Education 309 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106, (816) 231-2700 Citizenship Test Preparation, English as a Second Language, GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction
