ken west parent portal

by Dr. Gianni Donnelly 9 min read

What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

West Ottawa Schools is pleased to provide the Infinite Campus Parent Portal communication tool. The Portal connects parents/guardians to students’ data online, anytime, from anywhere there is internet access. Once the Portal is accessed, information about only their child’s progress can be viewed.

How does the parent portal work?

The Portal connects parents/guardians to students’ data online, anytime, from anywhere there is internet access. Once the Portal is accessed, information about only their child’s progress can be viewed. Log in HERE if you know your Parent Portal information.

What do I do if I Forgot my Parent Portal password?

If you are having difficulty logging in to your Parent Portal account or forgot your password, please contact the Help Desk at Is the Parent Portal available as an app?

What did Kenmore West students do at the Ken-Ton Elmwood Commons?

Kenmore East, Kenmore West and Lindbergh Elementary students recently took part in the O’Connell & Co. Theatre production of “All Together Now” at the Ken-Ton Elmwood Commons. On Friday, November 12th, approximately 50 Kenmore West seniors and their class advisors woke up early to share breakfast together and enjoy the sunrise over Crosby Field.


What is Infinite Campus?

Infinite Campus is a Student Management System (SMS) that allows for streamline communication between parents and their student’s progress. Making this information-rich connection with parents is a clear way to improve communication between teachers, parents and students.

How do I sign up for an Infinite Campus account?

Complete one of the following online forms to request Parent Portal access.

Where can I get help if I can't log in to my account or forgot my password?

If you are having difficulty logging in to your Parent Portal account or forgot your password, please contact the Help Desk at

Is the Parent Portal available as an app?

Yes. Watch the video below in English to learn what information is available on the Parent Portal app.
