kent middle school parent portal

by Anastasia Baumbach MD 8 min read

What does it mean to be a Kent parent?

Indeed, to be a Kent parent is to join a close-knit community, one which you are encouraged, like your children, to enjoy to the fullest. Parents | Kent School

How do I get to Kent middle school?

All visitors to Kent Middle School must enter school grounds through the main office. A visitor badge is required for all visitors and volunteers during the school day, and can be obtained in the office. Please consider walking or biking to campus.

What is it like to live at Kent?

Although Kent is a boarding school, that does not mean that parents have limited involvement in their children’s lives. In fact, the opposite is often true. As in every aspect of the Kent experience, opportunities to be engaged in the life of the School are numerous.

How do I contact Kent Denver's information and innovation team?

If you have questions or if you need assistance logging in, please contact our Information and Innovation Team at IMPORTANT: Parents, Trustees and Faculty/Staff may sign in to Kent Denver's password-protected community pages with the same user name and password you use in Blackbaud's MySchoolApp.


Kent Announcements

Make your voice heard! The YouthTruth family survey window starts today.

Kent Events

Family Partners welcomes Marysha Barney, BCBA, who will speak with us about strategies to improve children's behavior at home and in the community.

Health and Safety Updates

ESSER Approved Expenditure Plan and Return to School Certification - Board approved October 12, 2021

Resources and Information

Our website has been recently updated with information and resources for homeless and foster youth according to the McKinney-Vento Act, which defines homeless children and youths as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

School Board and District Committees

Next Regular School Board Meeting: February 8, 2021, 5-8 p.m., Kent Middle School and Zoom audio, agenda

Rewarding Job Opportunities

Are you interested in part time work in a school setting? Do you enjoy working with small groups of students?

Getting To and From Kent Middle School

All visitors to Kent Middle School must enter school grounds through the main office. A visitor badge is required for all visitors and volunteers during the school day, and can be obtained in the office.

When did Kentfield move to Aeries?

Kentfield migrated from PowerSchool to the Aeries Student Information System over the summer of 2018. As we continue to implement new features to improve our systems, we welcome constructive criticism and feedback.

Is Aeries Family Portal the same as Aeries Enrollment Portal?

The Aeries Family Portal is completely different from the Aeries Enrollment Portal that you may have used to register your student; login information is not the same. Once your student is registered, you will receive an email from the District with the email address and password you'll use to access the Aeries Family Portal.
