kenwood station parent portal

by Aubrey Bogan 4 min read

Are you welcome at Kenwood Station Elementary School?

You are always welcome at Kenwood Station Elementary. When you come into the school, please stop by the office to sign in. The office staff will give you a visitor or volunteer tag to wear at all times when you are in the building. You must sign out of the building when you leave.

How does Kentwood Public Schools use parentvue?

Kentwood Public Schools believes that ParentVUE will provide parents/guardians with the information they need to open the lines of communication between themselves and their students, and with the school. AND agree to ALL of the terms listed below.

What is parentvue&studentvue?

Kentwood Public Schools is excited to offer parents and students access to ParentVUE & StudentVUE. These are valuable tools to assist parents and students in monitoring student’s academic progress and attendance at school.

How do I access the parent module for Genesis?

Click above to access the parent module. We are happy to announce the Parent Module for Genesis, the online student information system, is now available to all parents. This web-based system will enable you to access your student’s grades, attendance, and other important information from any computer with an Internet connection.


What time do you have to sign in for school?

(School Day: 7:40 a.m. – 2:20 p.m. )#N#If you are running late and you know your child cannot be in his/her classroom by 7:40 a.m., you must come into the front entrance of the school and sign your child in. This is a School District Policy that must be followed. Children cannot sign the form. The form requires a parent/guardian signature.

How often do parents have to attend parent conferences?

Parent conferences can be held anytime during the year. Parents may call their child’s teacher to set up a conference. A scheduled parent conference will be held after the first nine weeks grading period. Parents will view their student’s progress report during the first parent conference. The first nine weeks progress report will be discussed at the first parent conference. This procedure has been beneficial in the past because parents are able to ask questions about their child’s progress and view their student’s work.

Is the front door of the school unlocked?

The front door by the office is the only door that will be unlocked to visitors. All staff are required to adhere by the Safe Schools Policy of the school district. The school is required to conduct drills throughout the year for various emergencies (fire, tornado, earthquake, train, lock-down).

Do volunteers have to have a background check at Kenwood Station Elementary?

to Kenwood Station Elementary. For your child’s safety all volunteers must have a background records check. This is mandated by the Kentucky Legislature.
