kermanusd parent portal

by Elisha Skiles 9 min read

What GPA do you need to be a Kerman Middle School student?

The Kerman Unified School District requires all participants in extra-curricular activities to maintain a 2.0 GPA or better in the previous 5-week grading period. Kerman Middle School students who have below a 2.0 GPA or receive an “F” on the most recent progress report card will be removed from the team. Every student who wishes to participate in any sport must have an Athletic Clearance Form on file in the administration office. Required information and included on the form: health statement (physical examination on the form or attached) completed and signed by a doctor; verification of health insurance. Below is a link to important KMS Athletics information:

What is tardiness in KUSD?

Tardiness is disruptive to the educational process and deprives other students in the classroom of valuable instructional time. Disciplinary action will be taken on students with excessive tardies. (Refer to KUSD policy 5144.1). A tardy can only be excused due to illness, doctor's appointment, family funeral, or school activity. Any other reason is considered an unexcused tardy. If a student is reporting to school late, he/she will report to the Attendance Office with a parent/guardian call to the attendance secretary or a note from the parent/guardian. The student must sign in, and the attendance secretary will issue a tardy pass to the student. An excused tardy can only be issued by office attendance personnel.
