KES Parents attend welcome events and organise coffee mornings at the start of each year to welcome parents who are new to the School. They also help out at Open Days, sharing their KES experiences with prospective parents who are considering King Edward’s School for their child.
Parents should log-in to the parent portal for the latest news and events from the School, alongside access to calendars and useful documents. Parent – Intranet (Much of this is Public information but some will require login details using Parent Portal)
Items can be donated or sold; in the latter case the purchase price is split, with 50% being returned to the original owner and the remaining 50% going into funds raised by KES Parents. KES Parents attend welcome events and organise coffee mornings at the start of each year to welcome parents who are new to the School.
Student Leadership, KES Robotics, Sports, Art, Drama, Safeguarding, Club and Tour Activities. The Junior and Infant department are proud of Kuwait’s heritage.
Led by Chair, Alan Stone, a group of dedicated KES Parent volunteers organise social events throughout the year, ranging from new parent drinks and coffee mornings, to wine tasting and quiz nights, and large-scale events such as the KES Parents’ Summer Ball and the very popular annual Christmas Fair. These events are open to parents at all three sections of the School and getting involved is a great way to meet more people from the School community.
Even if your children have now left the School, you can still be a member of KES Parents, attend events and stay in touch with friends made through the School over the years.
The Schools’ intranet services are accessible only to pupils, their parents, our governors and staff.
Parents should log-in to the parent portal for the latest news and events from the School, alongside access to calendars and useful documents.
Kuwait English School was the first school in the Middle East to implement the use of Google Chromebooks in its classrooms, and the first Google school in Kuwait. Teachers are able to monitor, check, interact and grade the students’ work.
Kuwait English School has been inspected by teams from Penta International, an inspectorate approved by the UK Department for Education (DfE) to inspect British Schools Overseas.