kes parent portal

by Magali Kutch 5 min read

Who can access the schools’ intranet services?

The Schools’ intranet services are accessible only to pupils, their parents, our governors and staff. Parents should log-in to the parent portal for the latest news and events from the School, alongside access to calendars and useful documents.

What information can parents access from the parent portal?

Parents should log-in to the parent portal for the latest news and events from the School, alongside access to calendars and useful documents. Parent – Intranet (Much of this is Public information but some will require login details using Parent Portal)

How do I log in to King Edward's School?

Login - King Edward's School King Edward's School Log in using your email address or username Parents Email address or username Password: Show password Log inForgotten your password? New to Firefly? Activate your account. Or log in with New Parents Login Firefly Support Login Staff & Students

What's happening at KES?

Staying with our KES tradition, kindergarten students will have an opportunity to parade (outdoors) in their costumes for the rest of the school to cheer and admire them. (Kindergarten classroom teachers will communicate more details soon.)

What was the first school in the Middle East to use Chromebooks?

Is Kuwait English School inspected?

About this website


Best schools in Kuwait considered by expats

A snapshot: schools in Kuwait considered (but not necessarily chosen) by English-speaking expats. Schools with a full GSGI review are noted with next to their names. (pending) means that the school is on our list to review.


Native English Speaking, British qualified teachers with a minimum 4 year degree and teaching certificate needed. The school is a growing, accredited, international, private, co-educational school on 2 large purpose built campuses.


The Schools’ intranet services are accessible only to pupils, their parents, our governors and staff.

Parent Portal

Parents should log-in to the parent portal for the latest news and events from the School, alongside access to calendars and useful documents.

What was the first school in the Middle East to use Chromebooks?

Kuwait English School was the first school in the Middle East to implement the use of Google Chromebooks in its classrooms, and the first Google school in Kuwait. Teachers are able to monitor, check, interact and grade the students’ work.

Is Kuwait English School inspected?

Kuwait English School has been inspected by teams from Penta International, an inspectorate approved by the UK Department for Education (DfE) to inspect British Schools Overseas.

Katonah-Lewisboro School District

In the KLSD, we will strive to create learning experiences for all students that are engaging, relevant, and take place in an active learning environment.

Welcome to Katonah Elementary School

Students meet Tupelo, the red-shouldered hawk, as they learn about animals in winter.


We were happy to hear so many of you were able to join us for Curriculum Night (Zoom) Presentations to learn about our programs and practices. If you would like to read about each grade level’s curriculum, you may access our Curriculum Guides for the 21-22 school year on our school website under the Quick Links section.

What was the first school in the Middle East to use Chromebooks?

Kuwait English School was the first school in the Middle East to implement the use of Google Chromebooks in its classrooms, and the first Google school in Kuwait. Teachers are able to monitor, check, interact and grade the students’ work.

Is Kuwait English School inspected?

Kuwait English School has been inspected by teams from Penta International, an inspectorate approved by the UK Department for Education (DfE) to inspect British Schools Overseas.
