king's house school parent portal

by Cordia Waelchi 6 min read

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal is our tool for all parents to access instant, online, timely and secure student information. It offers you comprehensive remote monitoring of school reports, attendance and fees information from the home or office.

Why choose King’s House School?

A wonderful school and a brilliant start to a life-long education. Cannot recommend more highly. Pupils at King’s House School in Richmond, Surrey, have been enjoying the Christmas festivities this year, after many were held virtually in 2020 due to Covid-19.

What are the password requirements for the Myking Parent Portal?

Password requirements: twelve characters, one number, one special character, one lower case, and one upper case. Step 5: Using your username (i.e. janesmith) and the password you just created, you will be redirected to the MyKing. Please note: If you have any questions or for additional help with login, please review the Parent Portal FAQ.

How have pupils at King's House been celebrating Christmas this year?

Pupils at King’s House School in Richmond, Surrey, have been enjoying the Christmas festivities this year, after many were held virtually in 2020 due to Covid-19. In the Nursery, families were able to enjoy a wonderful Nativity performance by the Butterfly Class!...

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Pupils enjoy charity and music assemblies

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Sports Fixtures in January

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Eco-committee meet for the first time

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Year 8 visit the Tower of London

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