Password requirements: twelve characters, one number, one special character, one lower case, and one upper case. Step 5: Using your username (i.e. janesmith) and the password you just created, you will be redirected to the MyKing. Please note: If you have any questions or for additional help with login, please review the Parent Portal FAQ.
Request more information on attending Canterbury School. We welcome all who share our Five Values: Honesty, Respect, Compassion, Spirituality, and Self-Reliance. The Annual Fund is a yearly fundraising initiative that provides vital support to Canterbury's operating budget.
100 Percent Acceptance to College Commitment to a college preparatory education is integral to Canterbury faculty and to the students who attend school. 100 percent of our seniors graduate and are accepted to college. Artist. Athlete.
From helping out in the classroom and supporting athletic teams to planning fundraising events and welcoming new families, parents can find a volunteer role that suits their interests and their schedule.
King’s Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its admission , academic, educational, athletic, financial aid policies or other school-administered programs.