Kinkaid stores all health records securely online in the Magnus Health system. Kinkaid Health Services has gone paperless. Annually, parents must upload physical exams, immunizations and medical care plans to each child’s account.
The Parent Community section is designed to provide our current families with a centralized spot to help you and your student (s) to stay up to date. We hope you will use this as your one-stop reference for all your needs.
The Kinkaid School uses an online electronic record keeping program called Magnus Health to maintain students’ health and medical information. Magnus allows parents to have continuous access to your child’s health record as well as the ability to make updates throughout the year.
The KINKAID magazine is published three times each year for the alumni, parents, grandparents and friends of The Kinkaid School and includes news of current activities and events, as well as alumni news. Student Newspapers.
If you experience difficulty navigating the Magnus system, please refer to the Magnus tip sheet on The Kinkaid School portal or contact customer support at Magnus Health by phone at (877) 461-6831 or by email at