knowsley council parent portal

by Maegan Mueller 5 min read

What we offer

Courses that support children’s attainment and parents’ skills e.g. Family Literacy and Family Numeracy, ‘Ready for School’, ‘Share.’


List the main features of your Service Level Agreement in ten bullet points or less. Each bullet point should be one sentence in length. If you provide multiple SLAs, or different tiers of service, list these as additional packages.

Get a quote or find out more

Please contact 0151 442 4502 or or request more information

What is the phone number for Knowsley Early Years?

Knowsley Early Years Childcare Information Service holds up to date information on vacancies across the borough.#N#Telephone: 0151 443 5633 Option 4#N#You can also call into your local Early Years Centre where staff will be available to obtain the information for you.#N#Website:

What is the phone number of Ofsted?

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you should, in the first instance, speak to the Manager of the setting, if you are not satisfied with the answers and actions, or have any other concerns, you should contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231.

What is a registered childminder?

Childminders. Registered childminders look after your child/children along with other children, usually in their own homes. Most are willing to work early mornings, evenings and weekends, as well as part time and some offer a pick-up service from local schools.
