kumpf parent portal

by Velma Hintz 3 min read

Where can I find Kumpf's one school one book?

Watch Kumpf's "One School, One Book" that was featured on Classroom Close-up on NJTV. Click the link below to watch. Third marking period progress reports will be poste on March 10 to the Genesis Parent Portal. Items are being collected until March 11. There is a collection box in the main foyer of school.

When will Kumpf's third marking period progress report be posted?

Watch Kumpf's "One School, One Book" that was featured on Classroom Close-up on NJTV. Click the link below to watch. Third marking period progress reports will be poste on March 10 to the Genesis Parent Portal.

What is the Infinite Campus portal?

The Infinite Campus Portal allows students and parents to login and access grades, class attendance, assignment information and related messages from the teacher. The portal is designed to increase communication with teachers, allow you to check progress, to see what's due and when, and be more successful in school.


90 Minute Delay Opening, February 25

Due to the pending storm tomorrow, ALJ will be on a 90 minute delay opening. Please log onto the district website for start times.


National Honor Society is sponsoring a food drive until March 17th. Food may be dropped off at the front of ALJ and placed in a black bin until March 17th. Thank you for participating.

Princeton Review Class - Thursday February 4

The Princeton Review re: this evening's class being virtual. Students will be using their parents' email addresses to log in this evening.

ID's are here

All students have received ID's last week, we have asked students to wear the ID's on their outermost clothing so that substitutes and faculty know that the student belongs to ALJ and to the building. We will be checking and reaffirming to our students to wear the ID's everyday.

Kumpf School's Classroom Close-Up Segment

Watch Kumpf's "One School, One Book" that was featured on Classroom Close-up on NJTV. Click the link below to watch.

Second Marking Period Ends - February 2, 2022

Second marking period report cards will be posted on Monday, February 7. Please note - the parent portal may not be accessible during the time report cards are being entered.

Kumpf Drama presents - FAME

Tickets must be purchased in advance. Seating is limited and face masks must be worn. Ticket information is attached.

Kumpf PTA Candy Bingo - February 17

Kumpf PTA Candy Bingo - February 17 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets must be purchased in advanced. See attached for more information.

Congratulations! Ms. O'Neill and Ms. Crincoli

Kumpf Middle School's 2021-22 Governor's Educator of the Year and Educational Services Professional of the Year!

Kumpf School's Classroom Close-Up Segment

Watch Kumpf's "One School, One Book" that was featured on Classroom Close-up on NJTV. Click the link below to watch.

Second Marking Period Ends - February 2, 2022

Second marking period report cards will be posted on Monday, February 7. Please note - the parent portal may not be accessible during the time report cards are being entered.
