lacey high school parent portal

by Laney Hayes 8 min read

Who has access to student lunch balance?

Student lunch and fee balance information is readily available to the parents, the District, and the school staff.

What is PaySchools Central?

PaySchools Central is a Secure Online Payment system that allows parents to fund student lunch accounts and Before/After Care Program accounts. PaySchools Central is a safe and secure web-based portal system that simplifies payment, collection, and balancing of funds.

Why do cashiers use PaySchools Central?

Using PaySchools Central, cashiers spend less time taking cash at the serving lines so students have more time to eat. Additionally, there is not a chance of lost lunch money from home to the serving lines!

Does PaySchools Central use the same student ID number?

PaySchools Central utilizes the same student ID number already used throughout the Lacey Township School District.
