lake elementary parent portal

by Jared Bailey V 4 min read

Where is Lake Parsippany elementary?

Penguins enjoying recess! Lake Parsippany Elementary School is nestled between large oak and pine trees behind Kingston Road. The original building was built in 1949 as a 6 room schoolhouse. Two additions in 1955 and 1961 increased the size of the school to what it is today.

Is Berkeley Lake Elementary a play to learn school?

Berkeley Lake Elementary one of the county's Play to Learn Schools, so if you have a young child at home, we encourage you to consider joining the program. See the image below or click here to learn even more about the program.

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal is a website that will allow you to log in and see your child's information, such as attendance, grades, standardized test scores, etc. If you need to register with the portal, please print and complete this registration form and turn it in to the main office.

How do I become a volunteer with Lake Myrtle schools?

Lake Myrtle Families: Every volunteer must fill out a new volunteer application online each year. New applications may be filled out starting July 1st 2018. You must be 18 or older (and not attending a Pasco County School) to apply to be a volunteer.


Recent News

Congratulations, Catherine Miller, on being selected as Lake Elementary's Teacher of the Year! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to our students and school!

Principal's Message

The 2020-2021 school year will be an exciting one at Lake Elementary School. My name is Casey Hanna and I am honored to be the Principal at Lake Elementary.

Spotlight Message

Lake Elementary is excited to announce that not only are we an "A" rated school but we are ranked #11 in the state of Mississippi! We congratulate everyone on their hard work and dedication in getting to this point.

Absence Reporting

Effective September 19th, 2016 student attendance is being reported through Safe Arrival. You can report your student absent by calling 1-844-772-5162 and following the prompts. You can also report a student absence by using the SafeArrival Parent Portal or application on your smart phone.

Lake Local Schools one to one program

Starting in the fall of 2021-2022 school year students in grades 5 -12 will be part of a one to one Chromebook program where each student will receive a Chromebook to use. The program guidelines can be found to the right and the signed in FinalForms.

PowerSchool Information

Parents are able to access their child’s grades, attendance and other information using the Parent Portal. Login at: to access your child’s account.

Principal's Message

It has been another great week of learning at Berkeley Lake Elementary School! We are excited to partner with you during the upcoming parent-teacher conferences and I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Sign Up for Parent Teacher Conferences

The sign up button for spring parent-teacher conferences is now available on our website until February 20th. As you sign up for your conference time, please be aware that Wednesday, March 2nd will be the next Digital Learning Day and Thursday, March 3rd will be an Early Release day.

Parents of 5th Grade Students - Save the Date

Also, visit the BLES website, "Announcements" section often to keep up with all the important information related to end of year 5th grade announcements and events.

The Book Fair in the School is Over But You Can Still Shop Online

Thank you to everyone who helped make our Scholastic Book Fair a success! Every purchase helped raise money for our school, and we appreciate all of your support! We hope our students enjoyed having the Book Fair visit Berkeley Lake Elementary School this Spring!

Our School Received Two Important Recognitions This Week

Berkeley Lake Elementary School received two honors this week at Gwinnett County Public Schools Annual Counselor Recognition Ceremony that took place on February 8th.

March Madness Book Tournament

We are excited to celebrate READING! Our book competition coincides with the March Madness NCAA College Basketball tournament. All classes will get a vote to decide the BLES March Madness 2022 Book Winner! Check out the books on our students are voting for and the progress of the competition on BLES website.

This Week's Positive Interventions and Behavior Support (PBIS) Theme: Problem Solving

During our morning meetings, we are trying to solve classroom problems. Students can come up with some of the best and most effective ways to solve problems. (Give it a try.)
