lake marion elementary parent portal

by Dr. Brant Wolf I 6 min read

Why choose Lake Marion Elementary?

Our staff creates and fosters caring connections with our community and continues to grow professionally through ongoing career development. Lake Marion Elementary is honored to have been recognized as a “Reward School” by the Minnesota Department of Education in 2014, a status reserved for the Top 15% of Title I Minnesota schools.

What is the school dress code at Lake Marion Creek?

Lake Marion Creek | Welcome to our school! Each grade level has a color-coded shirt. Students will wear their grade level colors each day. They are: In the interest of student safety, backpacks, food, drink, and binders are not to be brought to school. Food and drink are not permitted in the classrooms.

Are there solar panels in Lake Marion schools?

We’re proud to be generating clean, green, renewable energy with our first array of solar panels now live on top of Lake Marion Elementary. NEWS: Solar Panels on our School! We’re proud to be generating clean, green, renewable energy with our first array of solar panels now live on top of Lake Marion Elementary.


What is the MyPolkSchools Parent Portal

Parents can now access their child’s information from any computer with an internet connection.

How do you take advantage of these services?

You can obtain an application from the Front Desk at the school or from clicking below:


The revised 2021-2022 Calendar is here! We hope that you will find the information informative and helpful.

HKT High's senior is chosen to be part of the SC Dept. of Education Profile of the SC Graduate video series

Congratulations to Darrius Jenkins, a senior at Hunter-Kinard-Tyler High for being chosen to be part of the Profile of the SC Graduate video series. #OneOCSD

HKT High's senior is chosen to be part of the SC Dept. of Education Profile of the SC Graduate video series

Congratulations to Darrius Jenkins, a senior at Hunter-Kinard-Tyler High for being chosen to be part of the Profile of the SC Graduate video series. #OneOCSD

Dress Code for 2021-2022 School Year

Each grade level has a color-coded shirt. Students will wear their grade level colors each day. They are:

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In the interest of student safety, backpacks, food, drink, and binders are not to be brought to school. Food and drink are not permitted in the classrooms. Female students may carry no larger than a small purse and must be given to the school nurse as they enter the school for their personal hygiene items to be retrieved as needed.
