lake region high school parent portal

by Prof. Leif Green Jr. 5 min read

Guidance Dept. Announcements

Financial Aid Forms Completion Night on October 20th . Due to COVID health & safety protocals an appointment is required. Refer to link for additional information and to schdeule an appointment. Are you continuing your education after graduation? Are you continuing your education after graduation?

8th Grade Registration Visits

Ms. Urie will be visiting the following schools on the posted dates and times to complete registration for next year's Lake Region classes for the current 8th graders:

2021-2022 Handbook & Calendar

The 2021-2022 Handbook & Calendar is available for download. Get yours now by clicking on the image below.

Food Service FAQs

Children need healthy meals to learn! Below are answers to common questions regarding our Food Services as we serve students each day.

How to Apply for Free and Reduced Price School Meals

Please use these instructions to help you fill out the application for free or reduced price school meals. You only need to submit one application per household, even if your children attend more than one school in Lake Ridge New Tech. The application must be filled out completely to certify your children for free or reduced price school meals.
