lamar cisd parent portal

by Anastacio Schuppe 7 min read

What is the Lamar CISD online pre-registration portal?

Welcome the Lamar CISD Online Pre-RegistrationPortal. This system is intended for... Students NEW to Lamar CISD. Students who are returning to Lamar CISD from another school district. If you currently have students in Lamar CISD, please complete the online registration via your Family Access account.

How has Lamar CISD implemented smart tags?

To pilot the system and ensure quality of the real-time data, Lamar CISD implemented the SMART tag system in phases, beginning first with Transportation staff, then campuses and finally with parent access. All parents can now register for the Parent Portal to receive text alerts, view a live map of their child's bus and more.

How do I return to Lamar CISD from another school?

Students who are returning to Lamar CISD from another school district. If you currently have students in Lamar CISD, please complete the online registration via your Family Access account. To complete this online registration, you must have an email address you can access.

How do I register as a new student at Lamar?

New students, please visit the New Student Information page on your campus website. To access, go to your campus website, click on Students & Parents, then click "New Student Information" from the side menu. Welcome the Lamar CISD Online Pre-RegistrationPortal. This system is intended for... Students NEW to Lamar CISD.


What are the MCCRS standards?

The standards emphasize critical thinking, teamwork and problem-solving skills. The standards are grounded in college and career readiness. Timeline of MCCRS transition: Development of MCCRS began through the work of higher education officials, employers, and the best research available to determine what students need to be college and career ready.

What is the Mississippi College and Career Ready Standards Initiative?

The Mississippi College- and Career-Ready Standards Initiative is a state-led effort that established a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English language arts and mathematics that states voluntarily adopt.

Why did Mississippi adopt the Mississippi College and Career Ready Standards?

Mississippi adopted Mississippi College- and Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS) because they provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn so that teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.
