lambeth parent portal

by Elwin Kuvalis 5 min read

How do I apply for a Lambeth Community School?

Apply online via the Lambeth Parent Portal. Please follow our guide to find out how to create an account and use the portal: Use the link above to apply for Lambeth community schools, regardless of which borough the child lives in.

What is the Lambeth in-year common application form part B?

The Lambeth In-Year Common Application Form Part B and proof of date of birth documents can also be sent to the Lambeth School Admissions Team separately, if you are unable to attach them to your online application. There will be a very limited number of paper iCAF Part As for applying for a place at Lambeth community schools.

Is there free early learning for 2 year olds in Lambeth?

Everything you need to know about free early learning for eligible 2 year olds and funded early education for all 3 and 4 year olds in Lambeth. Visit our online directory for details of services and activities available to children, young people and families in the London Borough of Lambeth.

How do I send my application to the Lambeth customer centre?

These items can be sent by post, by email or via scanning facilities in the Lambeth Customer Centre. You will need an appointment for the latter. If you choose to send your application by post, you must use the correct postage and send it to:


How to Minimise Absence and Maximise Learning

We want to ensure that all of our students achieve their potential by being at school every day and on time. Government legislation states that NO holiday is to be taken during school term time unless for exceptional circumstances.

How to Use Our Planner Effectively For Successful Learning

We want all of our students to be lesson-ready and organised for school every day. The planner is the vital tool which helps each student to ensure that they know what subjects they have, what equipment they need, and what homework they have day by day.

MyEd App

We encourage all parents to download the MyEd app on their phone so they can have easy access to all aspects of school life. With the app, parents will be able to view student attendance, school policies, news, forms, achievements and general school information. The app can be accessed in the MyEd section of the parent portal.


Due to the new government legislation NO holiday is to be taken or will not be authorised during school term time unless for exceptional circumstances. If holiday leave is required you will need to place your request in a letter prior to the travelling date to the Headteacher.
