lancaster school district parent portal

by Laverne Hand 6 min read

What is Lancaster Central School District?

How do I? The Lancaster Central School District's purpose is to provide our students with a comprehensive educational program that will allow them to develop fully the necessary academic and social skills to become responsible and productive members of a democratic society. Terms of Use Questions or Feedback?

Where is the school district office in Lancaster SC?

Lancaster County School District 300 S. Catawba St. Lancaster, SC 29720 Phone: 803-286-6972

Where is the LCSD customer service office in Lancaster SC?

300 South Catawba Street Lancaster, SC 29720 803-286-6972 / 800-277-LCSD

How do I download the school district PS app?

You will need the code below to access our School District. CLICK HERE to visit the Play Store to download the PS App on your Android device. CLICK HERE to visit the App Store to download the PS App on your iPhone device.


How many characters are in a parentvue activation code?

Parents or guardians who have not activated their ParentVUE account will be issued an activation code, a seven (7) character combination of letters and/or numbers. Below are instructions on how to use the activation code to activate your ParentVUE account.

How to reset ParentVue password?

Option 1. From the ParentVUE login screen, select the option for “Forgot Password”. You’ll be prompted to enter the ParentVUE username or e-mail address.

Can parents communicate with students?

Parents/guardians/students can only communicate with staff in their building (s) When an e-mail is sent, the recipient will receive an e-mail notification that they have a message. A link will appear in the e-mail. Parent/guardians and students have to log into ParentVUE or StudentVUE to reply to messages.

Can you use ParentVUE in Lancaster?

You can either allow ParentVUE to use your location, or you can bypass location services and enter a Zip Code of 17062. Select School District of Lancaster from the list. A prompt will appear asking if you have an activation key. Choose Yes. Step 1 of 3 is reviewing the Privacy Statement.


La semana pasada compartimos información sobre cambios en las pautas del uso de los tapabocas para estudiantes y el uso de los kits de prueba rápida. Hoy, tenemos algunas actualizationes que nos gustaría compartir sobre el uso de los kits de prueba rápida para estudiantes.

Exposición a COVID

Happy New Year, Lancaster parents! We hope that your holiday break was safe, eventful, and afforded you time to enjoy friends and family. We are now officially into the second half of the school year and June will be here before you know it!

New Masking Requirements

We are all aware of the rapidly escalating count of COVID cases these past few weeks as the Omicron variant grips the nation, California, and our local community. Daily, the District has been receiving new information from Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LA-DPH) along with guidance from the California Department of Public Health.

Rapid Test Kits

You may have heard on the news that rapid COVID antigen test kits were going to be distributed to all school districts in California with the intent to allow parents to test their children at home for COVID prior to them returning from winter break.

PowerSchool Mobile App

PowerSchool also has a mobile app that can be installed on your smartphone. It is available for both Android and iPhone devices. You will need the code below to access our School District.

Creating a PowerSchool Parent Account

The video below shows you how to create a PowerSchool account for parents.
