lawrence high school parent portal

by Alyson Bayer 4 min read

Logging On

To access the login screen, click here to proceed to the Genesis Parent Access page . Bookmark this page in your browser for future access.


The first thing you will see upon logging-in to our system is the “Summary” at-a-glance page. This provides easy access to recent assignments, current schedule, and this week's daily attendance. At LHS and LMS, attendance is taken for each period, and this class-by-class attendance is available for parents to see.


The details for daily attendance will be shown for the school year. Cass attendance will be show using reasonable span of time around the current date. You will be able to see absences, tardies and other codes.


If you click on the "Weekly Summary" icon the current MP average and number of assignment due this week for each class will be shown. The "List Assignments" icon will display a list of all assignment and their grade.

E-mail Notification

You can ask Genesis to send you notification when new grades are associated with your child’s account. In order to take advantage of this, parents have to opt into this feature using "Genesis Message Center" icon.

Genesis Disclaimer

This system is provided as a convenience. Grades and other information provided by this system are not official records and may or may not be accurate due to human or technical error.


Skyward Skyward Family Access gives parents the ability to track their student’s progress throughout the year. Parents can see missing work, grades, attendance and discipline, as well as access to past report cards.

Parent Resources

Whether you're looking for the school calendar or what's for lunch, you'll find it here in the Parent Portal. We have a vast assortment of online training documents and videos, as well as a variety of other resources to make the most of your child's education. Scroll below to find all of our Resources for Parents.
