lbpsb parent fusion portal

by Fernando Moen 5 min read

What is The LBPSB fusion portal?

This Fusion portal account will be used at all LBPSB elementary and high schools in the future. Every parent can create a Fusion Portal account which contains their own personal information and information for each of their children.

How do I create an account on the fusion parental portal?

How to create your account on the Fusion Parental Portal Creating an account is a two-step process for security purposes. 1) You will use the link below to go to our Fusion website and create your account.

What information can I view in the parent portal?

In the portal, you will be able to view information about your child including academic progress, schedule, absences/lateness as well as view your account statements and messages from schools. If you have a child at a Lester B. Pearson School, you are eligible to access to the Parent Portal.

What browsers are supported by the parental portal?

For security reasons and to get the most out of the parental portal, please login or register from one of the following supported browser: IE > 9 Chrome Safari > 8 Firefox Opera If you are unable to upgrade your browser, please contact you child(ren)'s school(s) to insure you receive essential communications and documents.


Introduction to Mozaïk Parent Portal

The Mozaïk Parent Portal is being implemented by the Lester B. Pearson School Board in order to facilitate communication between parents and schools. In the portal, you will be able to view information about your child including academic progress, schedule, absences/lateness as well as view your account statements and messages from schools.

How to create an account and access the portal

You can create an account by using your e-mail address or by linking an existing account you have with LinkedIn, Google, Facebook or Microsoft.
