lemon crest parent portal

by Dr. Maryjane Fadel 6 min read

Digital Citizenship Annotated Bibliography for Parents

Here are some great resources to provide parents with information on Internet safety, plus tips and strategies for raising children in this digital age.

Common Tech Issues

Navigate to the Manager app on the iPad home screen > launch the app > and then find the app on the list > then select “Reinstall/Update”.

Home WiFi Parental Control Options

The links below are not endorsed by the Lakeside Union School District. They are provided as information only for parents who are looking for ways to provide parental controls for wifi access at home.

CAASPP Information

California’s Test Score Guide Website The CDE has created this website to help parents understand CAASPP scores and how they relate to their student’s progress.

Family Ministries Event s

All students will check-in at the Family Ministries Hub and leave to go to the Student Center at 10:45 am.

Parkcrest Kids Curriculum

Our ministry resources are curated with you and your child in mind. Follow along with us as we teach children to spend time with God, spend time with others, know their gifts, and share their stories.
