leonia public school parents portal

by Ezequiel Predovic 3 min read

Does Leonia have an SAT prep program?

The Leonia School District will be offering an inexpensive but comprehensive SAT Prep program for Leonia High School students, grades 9-12; the program will be fully virtual for this school year (subject to change). To receive tutoring, go to meet.google.com and enter the meeting code “math tutoring” during the established hours.

What is the purpose of the parent portal?

Purpose. Passion. Pride. Need Help? Click here to log in to the Parent Portal. ParentConnect allows parents to view information on various aspects of their child (ren)'s student information, including attendance records, cafeteria accounts, transportation schedule, and more.

When is the Leonia Board of Education special meeting?

The Leonia Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Thursday, August 19, 2021, to discuss potential property acquisition and contract negotiation. via Zoom. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ANNOUNCEMENT of Compliance with Sunshine Law/Reading of Notice


How long does it take to get a physical in Leonia?

A record of a current physical examination must be submitted to Leonia Schools (which indicates within one year (365 days) prior to the entry date). The physical must be performed by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the United States. Physical forms are available from the school nurse.

What documents are needed to register a child in the school district?

The following documentation is required at the time of registration: Proof of Residency: a copy of a current lease or deed. A current Utility Bill. Child's Birth Certificate or Passport.
