lester park elementary parent portal

by Miss Violet Schuster 3 min read

Why choose Park Elementary School?

Park Elementary is a community school located in Brooklyn Park, MD and home to 500 students who look forward to coming to school every day to an exciting and safe environment where the school’s teachers and staff care about them and engage them at high levels.

What is the parent portal and how do I use it?

The Parent Portal is how you access your child's school information on Infinite Campus. Some items you will find are: Bus Assignment, Lunch Balance, report cards, and Teacher Assignment. * New Parents/Guardians are sent an email around 5pm after initial enrollment is completed.

When was Park Elementary School renovation?

School Renovation Details - 1996, 2018; Park Elementary was a complete renovation which resulted in a new building. The building was transformed from a two story building to all one floor. In 2018, Park Elementary received an early childhood wing that included six new classrooms. These classrooms are used for pre-k and kindergarten students.


Where should children exit in a car?

Children should enter and exit on the passenger side of the vehicle closest to the curb for safety purposes. Please do not get out of your vehicle to walk around your car to let out your child – this creates a disruption to the flow of traffic in the drop off lane as well as an adult safety concern.

Is Lester School air conditioned?

Please keep in mind that Lester School is not air conditioned. Students should dress accordingly, yet appropriately, during all seasons. Loose cotton clothing is recommended. For safety reasons, gym shoes or other sturdy shoes are the best for school. Remember that the children do go outside to play on the blacktop or playground twice a day and should be dressed for the weather.

Hello Lester Park Families!

This is a special email to let you know about the signup for the Open House on Sept 1st, as well as an update on a few other items.

Open House for Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Lester Park School will have an open house on Wed, Sept 1. Please note that this WILL include kindergarten. This is a change from the last family newsletter.

Remember Masks are Required

Masks are required for everyone 2 years and older, unless medically exempt. This is a school district policy. Thank you for understanding.

More information on the Blended Learning 1 to 1 Agreement form

In the previous family newsletter, we included information from the school district about the online form called: 2021-2022 Blended Learning 1 to 1 Agreement.

All Student Passwords have been Reset

This past Friday all student passwords were reset. Once parents have filled out the online Blended Learning 1 to 1 Agreement (see above), a new password will be generated for their child and they will be able to log on to a device at school. Therefore it is very important parents fill out this online agreement form asap.

School Office Hours

The School Office hours are 7am-3pm Monday-Friday, however we may close early on Friday afternoons.

Teacher Assignments

Teacher Assignments will be posted in Infinite Campus around 2pm this Friday, Aug 27.


When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement.

Park Elementary's School Story

Park Elementary is a community school located in Brooklyn Park, MD and home to 500 students who look forward to coming to school every day to an exciting and safe environment where the school’s teachers and staff care about them and engage them at high levels.

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Throughout the hallways and in the cafeteria, the voices and laughter of students and staff can be heard before, during, and after school hours.

General School information

7:30 - Please do not drop off students prior to this as we do not have supervision for them

Important COVID-19 Resources

The School District uses the 1st and 2nd paths of the MN Dept of Health’s Decision Tree.

Important Cold Weather Information

The decision to close or delay the start of school due to severe winter weather is made prior to 6AM. Unless you hear an announcement over local TV and radio stations that schools are closed or delayed, you can assume that school will be in session as scheduled.

Recess and Crossing Guard cold weather criteria

There will be inside recess and no crossing guards when the wind chills or actual temperatures are colder than -15 degrees. (hopefully we don't have to worry about this for another couple of months!)

Parent Portal for Infinite Campus

Lunch balance, Attendance, Student ID #, Report cards (after a specific date). It is also how you find out your child’s teacher in August. We do not post classroom lists anymore nor give out teacher assignments over the phone or in email due to data privacy laws.


There are a few different calendars we use at Lester Park, all of which can be found on our website.


More bus information can be found on our school website (“School Information” on the menu bar)
