lexington elementary school parent portal

by Isobel Labadie 10 min read

Why Lexington Elementary School?

At Lexington Elementary School, all students are given opportunities to practice leadership in a global context. Though the school is the center of learning, everyone - parents, teachers, administrators, and the community - take responsibility for the success of all students.

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool Parent Portal is one component of the PowerSchool Student Information System that provides parents/guardians with access to view their child’s grades and attendance information. Is the Parent Portal secure?

What do you love about Lexington one school?

As we come together in our pursuit of excellence, I am filled with wonder and excitement. The Lexington One School District is dedicated to providing high quality educational opportunities, as well as service to the community. We endeavor to prepare students for lifelong learning and leadership roles.


What is Lexington Elementary School?

Elementary School (K-5) At Lexington Elementary School, all students are given opportunities to practice leadership in a global context. Though the school is the center of learning, everyone - parents, teachers, administrators, and the community - take responsibility for the success of all students.

What is Lexington District One online learning?

Students who are enrolled in the Lexington District One Online Learning Academy are expected to participate in all learning activities. This includes all online meetings. They must also submit their assignments by the due dates established by their teacher (s). Their attendance will be recorded as follows.

What happens if you don't attend synchronous virtual learning?

If they do not, they will be marked absent for the day . Secondary Students: In each course, students will be marked present if they attend the synchronous virtual learning activity or if they submit any of the assigned work for the course that day. If they do not, they will be marked absent for the course on that day.

Do you have to quarantine in online learning?

Students Required to Quarantine. Some students in the Online Learning Academy participate in extracurricular activities at school. Students may be required to quarantine if they are in close contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Your child’s school will contact you if an exposure occurs at school.

Parent Portal Page

New Lexington City School uses Infinite Campus as a Student Information System (SIS). Our infinite Campus Parent Portal allows you access to reports and attendance for your children enrolled in the New Lexington City Schools.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Infinite Campus Portal is a parent-specific login which allows access to the Infinite Campus student data system. It makes student information available to authorized parents and guardians.
