Welcome to the LFSF Applicant Portal! Please create an account on our school portal using the "create an account" link below. You will use this account to submit the initial application and any additional applicant information.
At LFSF we offer a well-rounded in-person education that places the development and well-being of your child at its core. More than a bilingual program, LFSF offers opportunities for young preschoolers to grow and thrive in this crucial moment of their lives. Looking for a preschool that truly opens the mind? Consider bilingual education!
You will have to fill out a Parent Portal application form with the updated information and return it, in person, to the main office at your child’s school. To protect the confidentiality and security of student records, you will need to show a photo ID when returning the form. I have forgotten my password. How do I get it reset?
The Parent Portal is a web-based service that allows parents to access information about their child’s grades, attendance, report cards, schedule, discipline and emergency contacts. What do I need to access the Parent Portal? Access is available to any device with an internet connection A Parent Portal username and password. A PDF reader or app.
Organized around 3 themes ( Physics-Chemistry; Biology-Geology; Sociology) it was designed to familiarize students with a proper scientific approach going from problem to hypotheses, experiments, results, and finally conclusions.
Looking for a preschool during the pandemic is not an easy task. At LFSF we offer a well-rounded in-person education that places the development and well-being of your child at its core. More than a bilingual program, LFSF offers opportunities for young preschoolers to grow and thrive in this crucial moment of their lives.
The Parent Portal is a web-based service that allows parents to access information about their child’s grades, attendance, report cards, schedule, discipline and emergency contacts.
No. Parents can access information for all of their children via one SchoolTool account. For example, a parent with a child at the middle school and two children at the high school can log on to the SchoolTool Parent & Student Portal and see the records for all three children.
Beginning WEDNESDAY March 18th 2020 parents with portal accounts will be able to update THEIR contact information in the web portal on FOCUS. Do not use the app – login into a browser using Google Chrome or Firefox.
Step 1: Log into your Existing Portal Account. If you already have a Parent Portal account for another student that is already enrolled in a LCS school, simply log into the Parent Portal with your existing Parent Portal acct. Step 2: Open the Online Application.
The online application is 11 pages. Once you open the Online registration form, ensure that you have COMPLETELY filled out the online registration before clicking the Submit button or prior to attempting to enroll any additional children to prevent errors.
YOU can now update your contact info in your Focus Portal account!!