lgms parent portal

by Dr. Gerard Ziemann IV 4 min read

What is the parent self serve Parent Portal?

This systems Parent Portal offers parents access to their students attendance, grades and online registration through the Parent Self Serve application. REGISTRATION WORKS BEST USING A COMPUTER AND THE CHROME WEB BROWSER REGISTRATION FOR THE 2022-23 SCHOOL YEAR IS NOW OPEN...

Does LGMs offer after school tutoring?

LGMS is offering after school tutoring starting November 29th. It will be Mondays – Wednesdays from 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Tutoring ends February 4th. Click on the link below to reserve a spot. LGMS... Read More » Purchasing a yearbook has never been so easy!

How do I Register my students for lgisd?

If your students is BRAND NEW to the district and has never been registered as a student of LGISD, please use the following link for online registration: IMPORTANT NOTE: You must FIRST contact the campus registrar where your student will be enrolling. Registrar contact information can be found above.


Site Shortcuts

HCS is currently at Level 2 on our Continuum of Multi-Layered Mitigation Strategies.

Monthly Newsletter

Stay up to date with happenings at LGMS. This newsletter updates each month.

Congratulations Principal Van Tone!

Principal Van Tone has been awarded the 2021 Joe Richardson Award from Georgia State University’s Principal Center.


Welcome to Lake Gibson Middle School, home of the Sharks! We are proud of our school and all it has to offer. To learn more about our mission and values, our pre-academies, and extra-curricular activities, please take some time to visit the various pages of our site.

Mission Transition February 10th

Will your student be an LGMS Shark next year? If so, plan on attending Mission Transition on February 10th from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Come see all the great things LGMS has to offer!

Standardized Test Dates

Parents and guardians, please see the link below with the most current test dates for quarterly and spring testing.

Technology Resources for Families

Do you need to know how to help your student get on ClassLink or Schoology? Do you need to know how to get set up on the Parent Portal? Check out the link below!

School Messenger

Do you want to receive automated messages via phone or e-mail on upcoming events at school? Or be notified automatically in an emergency situation? If so, you must opt in to School Messenger. Click here to fill out the necessary form and return it to the school... Read More »

How to set up lunch alerts in PowerSchool?

Here is how you can set up PowerSchool alerts for lunch balances. Log into PowerSchool on a desktop or laptop or phone browser (not the app). From the left menu, choose Email Notification. Click the checkbox next to Balance Alert ( Note: will only be sent when student is low on funds).

What can parents do with their student account?

Once parents have created their account, they will be able to manage their account information, link any and all students to their account (for whom they have parental or legal rights), and set email and notifications preferences for each student linked to the account.

How to retrieve forgotten PowerSchool account?

If account sign-in information has been forgotten, it can be retrieved by using the “auto-recovery” feature on the sign-in page. You can even deposit money into lunch accounts. PowerSchool can be accessed via any device, and a free App is available for Apple and Android users in your phone's app store.

What is the district code for PowerSchool?

The District Code for all schools is: QHKK. Adding Students to your PowerSchool Parent Account. If you already have a PowerSchool login set up, but wish to add a student, you just need to log on and click the Account Preferences button.

What is PowerSchool app?

PowerSchool is now mobile! The PowerSchool for Parents and Students app is available for download on Google Play for Android devices as well as from the App Store for iPhones and iPads. Parents and students can easily view progress, check grades, review assignments, and more including push notifications! Mobile PowerSchool for Parents and Students provides real-time access to: 1 Attendance 2 School Announcements 3 Assignments 4 Assignment Scores 5 Final Grades 6 Standards Scores 7 Teacher Comments
