liberty parent portal

by Aglae Pfannerstill 7 min read

What does parent and family connections do for Liberty Parents?

Parent and Family Connections is here to provide you with everything you need to know as a Liberty parent. From important dates to financial services to campus resources, we want to help you get the information you need to support your son or daughter as a Liberty student. Check out our September Newsletter!

Is there a parent & family session at Liberty University?

We believe that family members and guardians are a valuable part of our students’ lives. The PFC office regularly promotes opportunities for LU Family to meet and enjoy the campus together from your first New Parent & Family Session to the fall and spring Family Weekends. Email us at

Why choose Liberty County Schools?

The mission of the Liberty County School System is to provide all students an education which promotes excellence, good citizenship, and a love of learning. Vision All students will receive a high quality education providing them the knowledge and skills to be successful, contributing members of a global society.

How do I contact Liberty County school system?

Hinesville, GA 31313 Phone: (912) 876-2161 Fax: (912) 368-6201 Liberty County School System Southern Association of Colleges and Schools | SACS CASI


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The Time Has Come

Your son or daughter is preparing for their first big transition into adulthood — college. You’ve walked with them through every major event in their lives, and this one will be no different.

Did You Know?

Liberty’s Food Court at Reber Thomas features more than 20 food stations, including the award-winning Simple Servings, which offers meals prepared without gluten or seven of the most common food allergens.

College Parenting

Life as a college parent can be a season of personal and spiritual growth. Our College Parenting resources will help you equip, guide, and pray with your student through your family’s journey together. Review the Parent & Family Guide and other tips for student and parent success.

Office Events

We believe that family members and guardians are a valuable part of our students’ lives. The PFC office regularly promotes opportunities for LU Family to meet and enjoy the campus together from your first New Parent & Family Session to the fall and spring Family Weekends.

PFC News and Stories

Edify, Encourage, and Equip is the mantra in our office when writing the monthly newsletters. Connect to campus life, learn about activities that may impact your student’s success, get to know the university’s departments, and pray through the academic year.

Connect with Us

We’re happy to connect online too. Schedule an appointment to chat with our office! (Note: Virtual appointments will need to be made 48 hours in advance).
