lifeschool parent portal

by Lourdes Jerde 7 min read

How do I use the life school Parent Portal?

The Life School Parent Portal allows you to view attendance for your students, update contact information, and set your communication preferences. It also allows you to view grade information. Videos are provided below to help you create your initial account or access an existing account.

What is the life school parent self-serve system?

Consent to allow Life School to make your (or your student’s) information available to you by means of the Life School Parent Self-Serve System, which is a secure website accessible by a unique username and password.

What is life school’s policy on unauthorized user login?

Agree that Life School shall not be responsible if, through no involvement of Life School, your username and password is used without your consent and access to your (or your student’s) electronic records, and you release Life School, its employees, agents and Board of Directors from any claim arising from unauthorized access; and 4.

Is Life School a private school?

No. As a public charter school many families say our high standards of excellence and “feeling part of the Life School family” contributes to a private school type of experience. How much is tuition? Tuition is free and supported with state tax revenue. Is this a religious school? No, Life School is a public charter school and open to all students.


Welcome []

Parent Portal Login

login.title - ClassLink

TEAMS sign in

What is a charter school?

Public charter schools are tuition-free public schools that are open to all students. They are held to strict financial and academic accountability standards. In exchange, they receive more autonomy and flexibility to encourage different and innovative learning methods.

Do enrolled families get priority placement?

Currently enrolled families receive priority placement for the next school year. But, if a family does not indicate that they plan to return, the open seat will be awarded to a new family when the enrollment lottery begins.

What is a charter school?

Public charter schools are tuition-free public schools that are open to all students. They are held to strict financial and academic accountability standards. In exchange, they receive more autonomy and flexibility to encourage different and innovative learning methods.

Do enrolled families get priority placement?

Currently enrolled families receive priority placement for the next school year. But, if a family does not indicate that they plan to return, the open seat will be awarded to a new family when the enrollment lottery begins.

Do enrolled families get priority placement?

Currently enrolled families receive priority placement for the next school year. But, if a family does not indicate that they plan to return, the open seat will be awarded to a new family when the enrollment lottery begins.

Is Life School a charter school?

No, Life School is a public charter school and open to all students.

How to reset Life School password?

After registering, please go to the Life School web page at to access the Life School Parent Self-Serve Systemor you may access the page by typing in the direct link and click on the “Sign-in” link at: If you cannot remember your password, you can go to the same link, enter your User ID and correctly answer your Security Question, and you will be able to reset your password. If you do not remember your Security Question, please contact the campus registrar by emailing the address related to your campus on last page to reset your password.

When will attendance notifications be sent out?

Attendance notifications and summary reports for grades will be sent out automatically at noon and 6:00 p.m. each day. Please make sure to check your spam folder in your e-mail if you do not receive these e-mails.

How to view teacher assignments?

Viewing Teacher Assignments and Grades Click on either the “Report Cards” or “Progress Reports” tab. The current average will show until Progress or Six Weeks grades have been finalized. Click on a grade to open the “Assignments” tab and see all current assignment grades.

Can parents see grades in Life School?

Parents are able to see attendance, assignments, progress grades and comments and report card grades and comments. Parents are also able to e-mail their child’s teachers from within the Life School Parent Self-Serve System as well as set up automatic e-mail notifications for attendance and grades.
