lincoln avenue academy parent portal

by Krystal Strosin 7 min read

Why choose Lincoln Avenue Academy?

Primary Years Programme World School Lincoln Avenue Academy is A Blue Ribbon School! Top Elementary Math Performance in the District! Best Elementary School in Technology Innovation! Lincoln Avenue Academy is an 'A' School! At Lincoln, Excellence is Just the Beginning! ranked highly among all Polk County Elementary Schools!

Who can witness a parent sign a parent portal access agreement?

Each parent/guardian must complete and sign a Parent Portal Access Agreement before viewing student information. A School Official or staff designee must witness the parent/guardian sign this form. The parent/guardian must provide a photo ID or alternate legal document prior to signing.

Can a parent/guardian access the Orange school system web account?

Only after a family has enrolled their child (ren) in the Orange School System will a parent/guardian be authorized to access the web account. Once a student withdraws or graduates from the Orange District their access will be inactivated.


Letter from the SuperIntendent regarding Covid Testing

As we are still immersed in a pandemic, our stellar staff continue to work closely with students. In addition, teachers continue to work alongside their colleagues to ensure that the instructional scenarios presented to students are differentiated, targeted, and intentional.

To Whom It May Concern, Letter Regarding Virtual Learning for Students from the Superintendent of Schools

Please be advised to ensure the continued health and safety of staff and students, the Orange Public School District have put together a staggered return to in-person learning
