lincoln elementary elk river parent portal

by Juliet Schmitt 4 min read

What is Parent Portal?

What is Parent Portal? ISD 728 provides Infinite Campus Parent Portal to students, and parents/guardians of students attending our schools.

What is the ISD 728 Parent Portal?

ISD 728 provides Infinite Campus Parent Portal to students, and parents/guardians of students attending our schools.

How does a student access the campus portal?

Students access Campus portal using their school issued username and password, available through their teacher or media center after arriving at school. Parents/Guardians should receive an automated email within a few days of enrolling their student (s), containing portal access instructions.

How do I contact the parent portal support team?

If having issues, please use the the Parent Portal Support Request Form to request assistance, or call 763-241-3548 or email


What is Parent Portal?

ISD 728 provides Infinite Campus Parent Portal to students, and parents/guardians of students attending our schools.

How do I obtain an account?

Starting April 15, 2019, Campus Portal accounts are setup for students and parents when enrolling in an ISD 728 school.

Didn't get the email?

Campus Parent usernames are set to be their primary email address provided during registration. Passwords can be set or changed using the Forgot Password option at the Campus Portal login page, without needing to contact support.
