lincoln high parent portal

by Eliezer Greenholt DVM 8 min read

What is the Lincoln Public Schools parent center?

Welcome to the Lincoln Public Schools Parent Center! This selection of information is designed to meet the needs of LPS families, providing current information about services, resources, data and news of interest to parents.

What is the parent portal?

Our Parent Portal is the best way to stay informed about all aspects of your child’s education. If you received your Parent Portal activation email and are accessing it for the first time, follow these instructions.

What are the office hours for Lincoln High School?

Office hours for Lincoln High School are Monday through Friday 7:30 am - 3:00 pm. Students can be dropped off after 7:00 am in the morning, and must be off campus by 2:00 pm. Please make sure you are sign up for Lincoln's Listserv to receive important announcements and updates as we move towards the 2020-2021 school year.

What do I need to register a student at Lincoln?

Your name may not specifially be listed, so just find your name in the range for your grade level. Please note, you MUST be the parent or legal guardian, live in the Lincoln zone, and have all the approriate documentation to register a student at Lincoln.


What are the hours of Lincoln High School?

Main Office hours for Lincoln High School are Monday through Thursday from from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. Please make sure you are sign up for Lincoln's Listserv to receive important announcements and updates as we move towards the 2021-2022 school year.

Is Lincoln High School weather station real time?

Lincoln High School and WeatherSTEM have partnered to provide real time weather data from Lincoln High School to our community. The personal weather station's data is being utilized in our classrooms and on our athletic fields. Recently, the Weather Channel produced a story on the Lincoln High School football team and their use of the weather data. This story is currently airing on the Weather Channel. Click here to view.

Does Leon County have Microsoft Student Advantage?

Leon County Schools is proud to announce the new Microsoft Student Advantage Program to students and parents. This program provides free access to Office 365 Pro Plus for students enrolled in school districts that purchase enterprise-level licenses. Leon County Schools meets this requirement!
