lincoln utc parent portal

by Chauncey Cronin 8 min read

What is the Lincolnshire county council Parent Portal?

Welcome to the Lincolnshire County Council Parent Portal. The Portal allows parents or carers to apply for a school place and apply for free school meals via an online interface.

What is the MyMy Lincoln portal?

My Lincoln Portal® | Lincoln Financial Group Access the My Lincoln Portal any time to conveniently submit a claim or leave request, view the status of your claim or leave, get forms, upload documents and medical records, and more.

How do I login to the parent portal?

To begin using the Parent Portal, create an account using the 'Create Account' link which can be found on the upper left side of this page. To return after creating an account, use the 'Login' link which can also be found on the upper left side of this page.

Why choose UTC undergraduate admissions?

From scholarships and grants to student employment or tuition installment plans, there are plenty of options to help cover costs. UTC Undergraduate Admissions is a member of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) and follows their Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admissions which encompasses best practices.


Campus Visits

Get to know UTC with a face-to-face introduction. Once you explore campus and Chattanooga you’ll be hooked.

UTC Parent and Family Association

Ready to connect you with all things blue and gold, UTC’s Parent and Family Association welcomes you to the Mocs family!

Tuition and Financial Aid

More than 75 percent of UTC students receive some form of financial aid. From scholarships and grants to student employment or tuition installment plans, there are plenty of options to help cover costs.
