liston parent portal

by Ramiro Tillman 9 min read

Where is Liston College?

Liston College offers Quality Catholic Boys’ Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition. Rathgar Road, Henderson, Auckland 0610. Ph: 838 9350 Liston College ENROLMENT International News Community [ Portal Login ] Contact MENU HomeCalendarGet our App @[email protected]09 838 935009 837 9807 (Absentee Line) About Us

How do I edit my contact information in the parent portal?

To verify your contact information is correct, please login to your Parent Portal, navigate to “Student Data -> Contacts” to edit your contact information. Direct Link to Contacts in Aeries Parent Portal.

What information do I need to use parent portal?

In order to use Parent Portal, you must have a PORTAL CODE and USERNAME. Enter the PORTAL CODE. The PORTAL CODE always remains 0900 plus a Student ID Number (for example, 0900 11111)

How do I view my child's information in the portal?

Enter the PORTAL CODE. The PORTAL CODE always remains 0900 plus a Student ID Number (for example, 0900 11111) Enter the PORTAL CODE, the USERNAME that you created when you set up your child's account, and PASSWORD to view your child's information such as report card, attendance, and progress reports.


Virtual Teacher Interview Day

Virtual Teacher Interview Day (Pre-Scheduled Interviews) Monday, February 28, 2022.

Virtual Teacher Interview Day

Virtual Teacher Interview Day (Pre-Scheduled Interviews) Monday, February 28, 2022.

How to reset Aeries password?

To reset your Aeries Parent Portal password, click forgot password on the login page: Then type in your email address and press next. An email will be sent to you to reset your password.

How to access Parentsquare?

You can access through a mobile device through the Aeries App or ParentSquare App or using your computer using the Parent Portal by clicking “Aeries Communications” or using the ParentSquare website if you setup an account from the invitation email.

What is Tustin USD?

Tustin USD continues to use Aeries Communications as its primary platform to communicate to families. This system will transition to a new look with new features starting on April 30th, 2021. The new looking system will now be under the developer of “ParentSquare”. This system will still allow phone calls, emails, texting, app notifications but also have new integrated features like Survey’s, RSVP signups, and E-signature collection.

How many modality options does Parentsquare have?

With providing your phone and or email, you can further choose how you want to be notified in those areas. ParentSquare allows you to set each modality as 1 of 3 options: Instant/Digest/Off.

How to submit documents to home zoned school?

Step 1: Log into your Existing Portal Account. If you already have a Parent Portal account for another student that is already enrolled in a LCS school, simply log into the Parent Portal with your existing Parent Portal acct. Step 2: Open the Online Application.

How many pages are there in the online application?

The online application is 11 pages. Once you open the Online registration form, ensure that you have COMPLETELY filled out the online registration before clicking the Submit button or prior to attempting to enroll any additional children to prevent errors.
