Livingston High School Junior High School Livingston Junior High Elementary School Cedar Grove Elementary Creekside Elementary Timber Creek Elementary Primary School Pine Ridge Primary Close LANGUAGE
If you use the Google Play Store, you must search in the app section for Livingston Public Schools - you will have to scroll down to find us! Look for the LPS logo or if you scan the QR code, it will bring you right to the download area.
If you have more than one child in any of the Livingston Public Schools, please remember that you must update contact information and complete forms for each child (unless otherwise noted):
This secure portal is an online parent information system that will allow parents to update contact information and complete electronic forms and view the ongoing progress of their student (s). Please safeguard your User Name and Password for future use.
Our Mission: The mission of Lincoln Park Elementary School is to create an environment that motivates students to become productive and proficient while enjoying a fun learning environment.
Lincoln Park Primary School will actively involve parents by providing information and opportunities for all parents to participate and operate as stakeholders with faculty, staff and the school community in the implementation of Title I school and home programs in an effort to achieve highest student achievement and school performance.