llyc.org parent portal

by Ursula Willms 5 min read

How do I apply to work at LLYC?

If you are applying to work at LLYC for the first time, create a new account to get started. Use Existing Account Email Address: Password: Forgot your password? New Account H. E. Butt Foundation Camp Laity Lodge Laity Lodge Youth Camp Laity Lodge Family Camp Outdoor School CAMPSITE: 11756 North U.S. Hwy 83, Leakey, TX 78873

How do I get access to the Liberty K12 Parent Portal?

ONLY parents/guardians who request parent portal access may access to this system. Send an email to HSParentPortal@Libertyk12.org, MSParentPortal@Libertyk12,org or ESParentPortal@libertyk12.org, from your current email address. For example, if your email address is sam@yahoo.com, then you must send this initial request from that email address.

Is Sarah Cody an LLYC parent?

His granddaughter, Sarah Cody, is an LLYC parent today. From high school sweet hearts to LLYC staffers, Emily and Teddy share their story, and the Frio River runs through it right up to the point when they were married on May 31, 2019 (less than one month ago from the time of this posting!) They share below in their own words.

Who is the founder of LLYC?

Bill Cody launched LLYC alongside Howard Butt, Jr. in 1966. His granddaughter, Sarah Cody, is an LLYC parent today.


What is Llyc in relationships?

LLYC is steeped in relationships. It’s about being together. It’s who we are. With the social distancing restrictions and the constant threat of viral infection, those relationships and connectivity are greatly compromised.

Can you use your phone to contact Llyc?

We have posted relevant information below, and we ask that you use your phone calls and emails to LLYC only if our website information does not answer your questions. We expect that there will be many things to talk about in the days to come. We will do our best to answer in as timely a manner as possible.

Is Llyc camp safe?

Because of COVID-19, we don’t feel that we can ensure that camp will be a safe place. We take seriously the health and safety of you, your family, and your community, and all of our campers and our staff.

What is parent portal?

Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to securely view information online about their student, such as report card grades and emergency contact information.

Does Liberty Central School District have a password?

Please understand that the Liberty Central School District DOES NOT have access to your password. If you forget your password, please use the system process to acquire a new one. No one in the district has the authority to reset your password. We hope that you will find this information helpful as we strive to increase communication between school and home.
