lmsd parent portal

by Karina Krajcik 10 min read

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What is the parent portal in power school?

PowerSchool The Powerschool Parent Portal is an easy-to-use, secure communication tool connecting parents/guardians, students, teachers, and school administration. The Parent Portal allows parents/guardians and students to view important information, such as attendance, grades, class schedule, transportation, and contact information.

What is the history of LMSD?

Established as one of Pennsylvania's first public school districts in 1834, LMSD enjoys a rich tradition of achievement, innovation & community partnership and has earned a longstanding reputation as one of the finest school systems in the United States! Learn more! Follow Us Youtube(opens in new window/tab)

What is the average class size in LMSD?

LMSD maintains one of the lowest class size averages in Pennsylvania. The student-to-professional staff ratio at the secondary level is 11:1 and average class size in the District is approximately 21 students.


What grades can parents access?

A: For elementary students, parents/guardians can access attendance history, class schedule, transportation information, school contact information, and new in the fall of 2018, grades 3-5 report card.

What is the first step in accessing your student's information?

A: The first step in accessing your student’s information is obtaining an Access ID and Access Password for your student. The Access ID and Access Password are NOT account credentials for logging into the Parent Portal.

Welcome to Lower Merion School District!

Established as one of Pennsylvania's first public school districts in 1834, LMSD enjoys a rich tradition of achievement, innovation & community partnership and has earned a longstanding reputation as one of the finest school systems in the United States!

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The Bala Cynwyd and Welsh Valley basketball teams recently went head-to-head in Lower Merion High School's Bryant Gymnasium during this year's Clash of the Kingdom!

Announcements & Events

Dr. Mumin shares a status update on LMSD's Health and Safety protocols and planning.

Featured Stories

The Bala Cynwyd and Welsh Valley basketball teams recently went head-to-head in Lower Merion High School's Bryant Gymnasium during this year's Spirit Games.

What is a parent portal?

Parent Portal is a great tool that increases the level of communication between the school and parents by increasing the amount of information available to parents. Parents can see student information from any computer with internet access at their convenience.

Can parents see their child's attendance?

Parents can view their child’s attendance. Parents can contact school staff and teachers if they have questions on grades, attendance, etc. Parents can review and update the information the school has on file for their child including contact names and phone numbers, emergency contact information, student address, etc.
