loa parent portal

by Dr. Nels Bruen 9 min read

How do I access the P-EBT Parent Portal?

The P-EBT Parent Portal allows parents to view and receive information about their child’s P-EBT benefits. First, you will need to create an account within the CAFE Self Service Portal. You can view detailed instructions on how to do so here. Now that you've created a CAFÉ account, you can navigate to the P-EBT Portal within CAFÉ.

How does Loyola provide access to students and third parties?

Loyola provides access for third parties through Loyola Self Service. This system allows individuals to have access to student account information, 1098T tax documents, financial aid status and awards, and grades. Access is not mandatory nor automatic and must be granted by the student.

How do I contact the Louisiana Department of children and families?

DCFS OFFICE LOCATOR CUSTOMER SERVICE LAHelpU.dcfs@la.gov 1-888-524-3578 1-844-224-6188TTY 1-888-997-1117EBT Card M - F, 7:30 am - 6:00 pm REPORT CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT 1-855-452-5437


How to remove proxy access?

Click on the Edit Proxy Access icon (the pencil) next to the proxy to change. To remove all access, click on the Remove All Access button. To remove only certain items, click on the button in front of the item to remove and clear the check mark from the button. Click the Save button at the bottom to complete the removal.

How to set up a proxy for Loyola?

How to set up Proxy Access in Self Service: 1. Log in to inside.loyola.edu. Click on the Loyola Self-Service tile and sign in. On the left side of the screen, click on the three white lines at the top of the page, then click user options>View/Add Proxy Access>Add a Person for Proxy Access.

What does the first email on a proxy email mean?

The first email that all proxies receive contains the message that they have been granted proxy access. If they are not already set up for system access, it also includes their login id. The second email, if needed, has the proxy’s temporary password and instructions on how to get into the system and change the password.

How to access student account information?

To access your student’s account information, please log in to Self Service. Click here for proxy instructions. Follow the instructions below to allow third party access. If you have questions, contact the Help Center at 410-617-5555 or email ots@loyola.edu.

How to grant access to all items in a list?

To grant access to every item, click on Allow Complete Access . If you only want to give access to some items, click on Allow Select Access and then click on each item. Once you have finished selecting the access to grant, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen. 3.

How to contact a third party for self service?

If you currently have proxy access and have forgotten your password, please call the Help Center at 410-617-5555.

How long is a proxy password?

If the proxy is required to reset the password, they will be automatically taken to the Change Password screen. The password must be 13 to 25 characters in length. It must contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and 1 special character.
